A historical moment in Malta’s Telecoms history – Huawei Peace Project

The La Vallette international fibre optic cable is part of the international PEACE project which means that Malta is now connected to mainland Europe via Marseille and Africa

Tektraco Telecoms supporting future engineers in difficult times of Covid-19

Last year the University of Malta closed the labs due to the covid madness we were all experiencing, resulting in many students not being able to work on their projects.

Projects Page – Tektraco Ltd New Website Addition

We are very excited to announce an addition to our new Tektraco Ltd website – Projects Page. We wanted to create a better way for you to learn more about Tektraco and our endeavours in the Telecoms, Medical and

ECOC 13-16 September 2021 – The largest conference on optical communications in Europe

This year Tektraco was privileged to make ECOC 2021 in Bordeaux France.

Medical Gases – Medical Oxygen In a Vehicle

British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA) issued a leaflet that highlights key safety information for patients and drivers where medical oxygen cylinders or medical liquid oxygen

Tektraco Labs – A Complete Laboratory Solution

Have you ever wondered why we embrace and promote our department as a Complete Lab Solution? We offer our clients a vast range of goods which you would require to build your laboratory from scratch.

Medical Gas Systems Installation Guidelines

Pipelines should be identified in accordance with BS 1710:1984, and colour banding for the pipelines should be used. Colour band identification (see below) should be applied near to valves,

Installation of Weather Monitoring Stations along the Maltese coast

Installation of these Weather monitoring stations varied in strategic positions along the Maltese coast including all main ports of the island. This equipment is now being used mostly by the marine section of Transport M

The Importance of Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT)

During the past three decades Tektraco Medical completed several successful projects in Libya, Malta, Tanzania, Albania and Oman. Libyan European Hospital of Benghazi

Tektraco entrusted by World Crane Services to upgrade Freeport’s cranes communication system

WCS has been entrusted by Malta Freeport terminals via Motherwell Bridge Industries to upgrade and refurbish a number of the larger cranes at the port.